calculate_impact_ip This function calculates the proportion by which vectorial capacity is reduced when an intervention is deployed to a cohort of humans at a given time point

calculate_impact_ip(intervention_obj, model_obj, n_vec, Ni)



object with the following attributes

  • PBi: probability that a mosquito bites host i

  • PCi: probability that a mosquito finds a resting place after biting a host of type i

  • PDi: probability that a mosquito survives the resting phase after biting a host of type i

  • PEi: probability that a mosquito lays eggs and returns to host-seeking after biting a host of type i

  • Kvi: proportion of susceptible mosquitoes that become infected after biting any host of type i

  • muvA: mosquito death rate

  • alphai: availability to mosquitoes for host of type i


list of vector- and host-specific entomological parameters (see description of output from function calc_model_params)


data frame with the number of protected and unprotected hosts for various intervention coverages


number of daily emerging mosquitoes


object with the following attributes (columns = different coverages): #'

  • Pf_all: probability that mosquitoes survive the feeding cycle #'

  • or_all: delayed oocyst rate #'

  • sr_all: sporozoite rate #'

  • sigmai_all: host biting rate #'

  • eiri_all: entomological innoculation rate #'

  • vc_all: vectorial capacity #'

  • f_all: duration of the feeding cycle #'

  • PAmu_all: probability that mosquitoes die during host seeking #'

  • maxeig_all: maximum eigen value of the upsilon matrix


Monica Golumbeanu,

Olivier Briët,

Nakul Chitnis,

Tom Smith,