All functions |
The main usages of AnophelesModel |
main function of the AnophelesModel package |
Human and mosquito behavioural patterns |
incorporate vector, host and activity parameters in the entomological model, initialize and build a model object |
calculates the combined effects and impact for two interventions |
calculate intervention impact on the vectorial capacity for a combination of two interventions from the package database and assess its variation accounting for the variation of input parameters |
calculate intervention impact in terms of vectorial capacity reduction |
calculates reduction in vectorial capacity for one interpolation point |
calculate intervention impact on the vectorial capacity and assess its variation accounting for the variation of input parameters |
defines the activity patterns of vectors and hosts |
define host-specific entomological parameters |
define the effects of interventions |
define the vector-specific entomological parameters |
creates an xml snippet to be included in an OpenMalaria scenario for the GVI intervention |
creates an xml snippet to be included in an OpenMalaria scenario |
calculate adjustment for averted exposure |
Calculate human exposure to biting |
Get LLIN survival and holed area |
Get net insecticide types |
Get net types |
Host-specific estimated parameters for the entomological model of malaria transmission |
Example of interventions |
General description of IRS and LLINs interventions parameterizations |
Extract activity patterns of humans or mosquitoes |
Print all the species whose entomological parameters are provided in the package database. |
Print all the interventions available in the package |
Print all the interventions parameterisations available in the package |
produce various impact figures per species |
produce various impact figures per species |
Vector-specific estimated entomological parameters |