This package contains functions to simulate a compartmental model for Plasmodium Vivax and calculate the associated reproduction number for a given epidemiological setting, based on data on reported local and imported cases. The model includes case management and vector control and is presented in Champagne et al. (2024).
It is an extension of White et al. (2016) and can be represented by the following diagram:Schematic representation of the model
where \(U_L\) is the proportion of untreated individuals with both blood and liver stage parasites, \(U_0\) is the proportion of untreated individuals with blood stage parasites only, \(T_L\) is the proportion of treated individuals with both blood and liver stage parasites, \(T_0\) is the proportion of treated individuals with blood stage parasites only, \(S_L\) is the proportion of individuals with liver stage parasites only, and \(S_0\) is the proportion of susceptible individuals.
As in White et al. (2016), it requires 4 biological parameters: \(\lambda\) (transmission rate, called “lambda” in the package), \(r\) (blood parasites clearance rate), \(\gamma_L\) (liver parasites clearance rate, called “gamma”) and \(f\) (relapse frequency). Values from the literature can be found for \(r\), \(\gamma_L\) and \(f\). The parameter \(\lambda\) is highly setting specific and can be calculated based on incidence and importation data using the functions from this package. This also provides estimates of setting specific reproduction numbers: \(R_0\) (in the absence of control intervention) and \(R_c\) (considering current control interventions).
For more information, please refer to the associated document.
Creating a dummy dataset with reported incidence and the proportion of imported cases (the user should include their real data). Incidence is in cases per 1000 person-year. Each line corresponds to an administrative area or a year of data.
Convert incidence to cases per person day:
Indicate model intervention parameter values for current case management (\(\alpha\), \(\beta\) and \(\sigma\)) and vector control (\(\omega\)), as well as the observation rate (\(\rho\)).
The parameter \(\alpha\) (called
“alpha” in the package) represents the probability to receive effective
cure for the blood stage infection and the parameter \(\beta\) (called “beta”) represents the
probability that individuals clear their liver stage infection when
receiving their treatment. The parameter \(\omega\) (called “omega”) quantifies the
intensity of vector control (0 indicating perfect vector control and 1
indicating the absence of vector control). The observation rate \(\rho\) (called “rho”) indicates the
proportion of all infections that are effectively observed and reported
in the incidence data. The parameter \(\alpha\) should reflect the proportion of
individual effectively cured (for example because they present symptoms,
seek care, and receive and adhere to an effective treatment, as in Galactionova et al. (2015) for example).
The parameter \(\sigma\) is the
parasite clearance rate for treated individuals, hence reflecting delays
in treatment access.
mydata$alpha=c(0.17, 0.12) # proportion of treated cases
mydata$beta=c(0.43,0.42) # proportion of radical cure
mydata$rho=c(0.18, 0.13) # reporting rate (here, we assume that all treated cases are reported)
mydata$omega=c(1,1) # no vector control
mydata$sigma=c(1/15,1/15) # treatment delays last on average 15 days
Run the model and save the results in a new database.
mydata_withR0RC=calibrate_vivax_equilibrium(df=mydata, f=1/72, gamma=1/223, r=1/60, return.all = TRUE, delay = TRUE)
#> Warning in calibrate_vivax_equilibrium(df = mydata, f = 1/72, gamma = 1/223, :
#> no rho2 parameter, assumed rho2=1
#> Warning in solve_lambda_vivax_delay(h = my.h, r = r, gamma = gamma, f = f, :
#> imaginary parts discarded in coercion
#> Warning in solve_lambda_vivax_delay(h = my.h, r = r, gamma = gamma, f = f, :
#> imaginary parts discarded in coercion
Visualise the output: several additional columns were created, including \(R_0\) and \(R_c\) for each region/year.
#> id incidence prop_import h alpha beta rho omega sigma
#> 1 regionA 23 0.0 0.0000630137 0.17 0.43 0.18 1 0.06666667
#> 2 regionB 112 0.1 0.0003068493 0.12 0.42 0.13 1 0.06666667
#> rho2 lambda Rc R0 delta I
#> 1 1 0.008436151 1.027556 1.251852 0.0000000000 0.01814795
#> 2 1 0.007345340 0.951637 1.089985 0.0002706941 0.12802698
The transmission rate lambda has been calibrated to the incidence and import proportion and it can be used to simulate future scenarios. The quantity \(\delta\) (called “delta”) representing the daily importation rate was also calculated based on the observed data.
In this section, we will see how to use the calibrated model to simulate the impact of a future intervention.
As a first step, the intervention variables describing the new intervention scenario need to be defined. For each intervention, we create an intervention object containing new parameter values after the intervention. For example, we want to increase the proportion of treated infections \(\alpha\) to 0.4 (intervention A), the proportion of radical cure \(\beta\) from 0.4 to 0.6 (intervention B) or to reduce the delays in treatment access \(\sigma\) from 15 to 5 days (intervention C). Intervention D is the combination of these three improvements.
intervention_object0=list(intervention_name="baseline", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA )
intervention_objectA=list(intervention_name="intervA", ""=0.4, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA )
intervention_objectB=list(intervention_name="intervB", ""=NA, ""=0.6, ""=NA ,""=NA, ""=NA)
intervention_objectC=list(intervention_name="intervC", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=1/5, ""=NA )
intervention_objectD=list(intervention_name="intervD", ""=0.4, ""=0.6, ""=NA, ""=1/5, ""=NA )
In this example, the observation rate \(\rho\) is kept constant, but it could also be modified (for example, as access to care increases).
Now, we use the previously calibrated model (using the values contained in mydata_withR0RC) to simulate the interventions. Make sure that the data frame contains a variable called “id” that identifies uniquely each row.
Now, we simulate the model with the new parameterization.
my_intervention_list=list(intervention_object0, intervention_objectA, intervention_objectB, intervention_objectC, intervention_objectD)
simulation_model= simulate_vivax_interventions(df=mydata_withR0RC, my_intervention_list, delay = T)
#> Starting from equilibrium
#> simulating from equilibrium
#> id time Ul U0 Sl S0 Tl
#> 1 regionA 0 0.01376414 0.003669648 0.01438241 0.9674696 0.0006777512
#> 2 regionA 365 0.01376414 0.003669648 0.01438241 0.9674696 0.0006777512
#> 3 regionA 730 0.01376414 0.003669648 0.01438241 0.9674696 0.0006777512
#> 4 regionA 1095 0.01376414 0.003669648 0.01438241 0.9674696 0.0006777512
#> 5 regionA 1460 0.01376414 0.003669648 0.01438241 0.9674696 0.0006777512
#> 6 regionA 1825 0.01376414 0.003669648 0.01438241 0.9674696 0.0006777512
#> T0 h hl hh hhl I p incidence
#> 1 3.640404e-05 0.023 0.023 0.1277778 0.1277778 0.01814795 0 23
#> 2 3.640404e-05 0.023 0.023 0.1277778 0.1277778 0.01814795 0 23
#> 3 3.640404e-05 0.023 0.023 0.1277778 0.1277778 0.01814795 0 23
#> 4 3.640404e-05 0.023 0.023 0.1277778 0.1277778 0.01814795 0 23
#> 5 3.640404e-05 0.023 0.023 0.1277778 0.1277778 0.01814795 0 23
#> 6 3.640404e-05 0.023 0.023 0.1277778 0.1277778 0.01814795 0 23
#> intervention step
#> 1 baseline 1
#> 2 baseline 1
#> 3 baseline 1
#> 4 baseline 1
#> 5 baseline 1
#> 6 baseline 1
The variable “time” indicates the number of days since baseline. The other variables are the state variables of the model. The variable I indicates the proportion of all individuals with blood stage infection (\(I=U_L+U_0+T_0+T_L\)), i.e. prevalence (including any parasite concentration). The variable incidence indicates the incidence per 1000 person year. All variables are detailed in the following table:
Column name | Description | Unit |
id | Unique identifier of the area | |
time | Number of days since baseline | days |
Tl | \(T_L\), proportion of treated individuals with both blood and liver stage parasites | dimensionless |
U0 | \(I_0\), proportion of untreated individuals with blood stage parasites only | dimensionless |
Sl | \(S_L\), proportion of individuals with liver stage parasites only | dimensionless |
S0 | \(S_0\), proportion of susceptible individuals | dimensionless |
h | Reported incidence | cases per person year if year=T or per person day if year=F |
hl | Local reported incidence | cases per person year if year=T or per person day if year=F |
hh | Total incidence | cases per person year if year=T or per person day if year=F |
hhl | Total local incidence | cases per person year if year=T or per person day if year=F |
I | Prevalence (\(U_L+U_0+T_L+T_0\)) | dimensionless |
p | Proportion of imported cases | dimensionless |
incidence | Reported incidence | cases per 1000 person year |
intervention | Name of the intervention | |
step | Simulation step | 1 corresponds to the first simulation from equilibrium |
The model outputs can be represented graphically, for example using the ggplot2 package.
geom_line(aes(x=time/365,y=incidence, color=intervention), lwd=1)+
facet_wrap(id ~., scales = "free_y")+xlab("Year since baseline")
In this example, we increase further the proportion of treated cases and the proportion of radical cure to 80%.
simulation_model_day= simulate_vivax_interventions(df=mydata_withR0RC, my_intervention_list, year=F, delay=T)
#> Starting from equilibrium
#> simulating from equilibrium
intervention_object0=list(intervention_name="baseline", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA )
intervention_objectA2=list(intervention_name="intervA", ""=0.6, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=1/15 , ""=NA )
intervention_objectB2=list(intervention_name="intervB", ""=NA, ""=0.8, ""=NA, ""=1/15 , ""=NA )
intervention_objectD2=list(intervention_name="intervD", ""=0.6, ""=0.8, ""=NA, ""=1/5 , ""=NA )
my_intervention_list2=list(intervention_object0, intervention_objectA2, intervention_objectB2, intervention_objectC, intervention_objectD2)
simulation_model2= simulate_vivax_interventions(df=mydata_withR0RC, my_intervention_list2, previous_simulation = simulation_model_day, year=F, delay=T)
geom_line(aes(x=time/365,y=I, color=intervention, linetype=as.factor(step)), lwd=1)+
facet_wrap(id ~., scales = "free_y")+xlab("Year since baseline")+ylab("Prevalence")
In order to use the model without delays in treatment (see vignette for the “simple version”), the option delay=F can be used (default) and the parameter \(\sigma\) does not need to be specified.
Additional interventions, namely Mass Drug Administration and Reactive Case Detection, can be included in the model.
MDA is defined with 3 parameters: the coverage (MDAcov), the proportion of individuals receiving MDA that experience radical cure (MDArad_cure) and the duration of MDA prophylaxis (MDAp_length).
intervention_objectMDA_0=list(intervention_name="baseline", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=0.8, ""=30, ""=0, ""=NA )
intervention_objectMDA_A=list(intervention_name="intervA", ""=0.4, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=0.8, ""=30, ""=0)
intervention_objectMDA_B=list(intervention_name="intervB", ""=NA, ""=0.6, ""=NA ,""=NA, ""=NA, ""=0.8, ""=30, ""=0 )
intervention_objectMDA_C=list(intervention_name="intervC", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=1/5, ""=NA, ""=0.8, ""=30, ""=0 )
intervention_objectMDA_D=list(intervention_name="intervD", ""=0.4, ""=0.6, ""=NA, ""=1/5, ""=NA, ""=0.8, ""=30, ""=0 )
my_intervention_list2_MDA=list(intervention_objectMDA_0, intervention_objectMDA_A, intervention_objectMDA_B, intervention_objectMDA_C, intervention_objectMDA_D)
simulation_model2_MDA= simulate_vivax_interventions(df=mydata_withR0RC, my_intervention_list2_MDA, previous_simulation = simulation_model_day, year=F, mda = T, delay=T)
geom_line(aes(x=time/365,y=I, color=intervention), lwd=1)+
facet_wrap(id ~., scales = "free_y")+xlab("Year since baseline")+ylab("Prevalence")
Reactive case detection (RCD) can also be included as a future intervention, following the framework by Chitnis et al. (2019) and Das and Chitnis (in prep). It is represented with 4 parameters. \(\iota\) is the maximum number of reported cases that can be investigated per day (normalised by population size), \(\nu\) is the number of individuals tested in each investigation around a reported case, \(\tau\) is the targeting ratio reflecting the increased probability of case detection in the vicinity of a confirmed case (see Chitnis et al. (2019)) and \(\eta\) is probability for a positive case detected by RCD to be effectively cured. It is assumed that the probability of liver-stage clearance is the same for people detected via RCD as for treated individuals in general (equal to \(\beta\)). RCD-detected cases are reported in the data with a probability \(\rho_2\), which is fixed to 1 by default but could be set to any value below depending on the specific context.
We define new intervention objects with the RCD parameters:
intervention_objectC_rcd=list(intervention_name="intervC + rcd 50%", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=1/5, ""=NA, ""=5/7/10000, ""=5, ""=2, ""=0.5, ""=0.9 )
intervention_objectC_rcd2=list(intervention_name="intervC + rcd 100%", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=1/5, ""=NA, ""=5/7/10000, ""=5, ""=2, ""=1, ""=0.9 )
intervention_objectC_rcd3=list(intervention_name="intervC + rcd 100% ++", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=1/5, ""=NA, ""=Inf, ""=5, ""=2, ""=1,""=0.9 )
In the third scenario, the neighborhood of all cases reported are
The interventions can be simulated as before, adding the option
‘rcd=TRUE’. When the delay model is used (delay=TRUE), there are two
options for the underlying RCD model: individuals detected by RCD are
either treated immediately (referral=FALSE, default) or they have to be
referred to a health facility for testing, and hence are treated with
similar delays as those detected when seeking care (referral=TRUE).
my_intervention_list_2=list(intervention_objectC_rcd, intervention_objectC_rcd2, intervention_objectC_rcd3)
simulation_model2= simulate_vivax_interventions(df=mydata_withR0RC, my_intervention_list_2, delay = T, rcd=T)
#> Starting from equilibrium
#> simulating from equilibrium
#> We start from the equilibrium without RCD
ggplot(rbind(simulation_model %>%
dplyr::filter(intervention %in% c("baseline", "intervA")),
geom_line(aes(x=time/365,y=I, color=intervention), lwd=1)+
facet_wrap(id ~., scales = "free_y")+xlab("Year since baseline")+ylab("Prevalence")
Following Chitnis et al. (2019), the targeting ratio \(\tau\) can be made varying over time. The function from Chitnis et al. (2019) (additional file 1, fitted on field data from Zambia) is implemented in the function varying_tau and can be used in the simulations as follows. First, we define a function taking only prevalence as an argument (other functional forms can be used instead as long as they take prevalence as the only argument):
return(varying_tau(nu=5, pr=pr, N=10000))
This function can be used as an input in the intervention object for \(\tau\).
intervention_objectC_rcd_tv=list(intervention_name="intervC + rcd 50%", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA,""=NA, ""=NA, ""=5/7/10000, ""=5, ""=my_tau, ""=0.5, ""=0.9 )
intervention_objectC_rcd2_tv=list(intervention_name="intervC + rcd 100%", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=5/7/10000, ""=5, ""=my_tau, ""=1, ""=0.9 )
intervention_objectC_rcd3_tv=list(intervention_name="intervC + rcd 100% ++", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=Inf, ""=5, ""=my_tau, ""=1,""=0.9 )
my_intervention_list_3=list(intervention_objectC_rcd_tv, intervention_objectC_rcd2_tv, intervention_objectC_rcd3_tv)
simulation_model3= simulate_vivax_interventions(df=mydata_withR0RC, my_intervention_list_3, rcd=T, delay = T)
#> Warning in$ applied to non-(list or
#> vector) of type 'closure'
#> Warning in$ applied to non-(list or
#> vector) of type 'closure'
#> Warning in$ applied to non-(list or
#> vector) of type 'closure'
#> Starting from equilibrium
#> simulating from equilibrium
#> We start from the equilibrium without RCD
ggplot(rbind(simulation_model2 %>% dplyr::mutate(timevaryingtau="no"),simulation_model3 %>% dplyr::mutate(timevaryingtau="yes" )))+
geom_line(aes(x=time/365,y=I, color=intervention, linetype=timevaryingtau), lwd=1)+
facet_wrap(id ~., scales = "free_y")+labs(x="Year since baseline", y="Prevalence", linetype="time varying tau")
If there is some RCD already at baseline, this can be accounted for during the model calibration step. The initial dataset should contain the RCD parameters, i.e. \(\iota\), \(\nu\), \(\tau\) and \(\eta\).
mydata_rcd$iota=c(5/7/365, Inf) # number of index cases investigated per day
mydata_rcd$nu=c(5, 10) # number of secondary cases investigated
mydata_rcd$tau=c(5,5) # targeting ratio
mydata_rcd$eta=c(0.95,0.95) # probability of detection of a case
mydata_rcd$rho2=c(0.95,0.95) # probability of detection of a case
The calibration step is then executed with the option rcd=T.
mydata_withR0RC_rcd=calibrate_vivax_equilibrium(df=mydata_rcd, f=1/72, gamma=1/223, r=1/60, return.all = TRUE, rcd=T, delay=T)
#> Warning in solve_lambda_vivax_rcd_no_referral(h = my.h, h1 = my.h1, r = r, :
#> imaginary parts discarded in coercion
#> Warning in solve_lambda_vivax_rcd_no_referral(h = my.h, h1 = my.h1, r = r, :
#> imaginary parts discarded in coercion
This dataset can be used for future simulations, similarly to mydata_withR0RC.
If there is some RCD already at baseline and information on the detection method for the incidence data is available, this data can be used to calculate the targeting ratio of the RCD. Let \(h1\) be the daily incidence of directly detected cases, and \(h2\) the daily incidence for cases detected via RCD. The following function can be used to calculate the targeting ratio:
my_h1=mydata_rcd$h[mydata_rcd$id=="regionA"] *0.9
my_h2=mydata_rcd$h[mydata_rcd$id=="regionB"] *0.1 # we assume in this example that 10% of the reported cases were detected via RCD
calculate_tau_rcd(h1=my_h1 , h2=my_h2,
alpha= mydata_rcd$alpha[mydata_rcd$id=="regionA"], rho= mydata_rcd$rho[mydata_rcd$id=="regionA"],
iota= mydata_rcd$iota[mydata_rcd$id=="regionA"],
nu= mydata_rcd$nu[mydata_rcd$id=="regionA"], eta= mydata_rcd$eta[mydata_rcd$id=="regionA"],
r= 1/60, rho2=1 )
#> [1] 8.224808
It is possible to include a decay in the vector control parameter \(\omega\). For example, an exponential decay, using the following function:
my_omega=vector_control_exponential_decay(initial_omega = 0.8, half_life = 3, every_x_years = 3, maxtime = 7*365 )
#> time value
#> 1 0 0.8000000
#> 2 1 0.8001266
#> 3 2 0.8002530
#> 4 3 0.8003794
#> 5 4 0.8005058
#> 6 5 0.8006320
ggplot(my_omega)+ geom_line(aes(x=time/365,y=value), lwd=1)+labs(x="years", y=expression(omega))
In this example, we implement a vector control intervention every 3 years, with an initial efficacy of \(\omega=0.8\) and a half-life of 3 years. Other patterns can be used, especially derived from the AnophelesModel package (Golumbeanu et al. in prep), as long a the dataset is provided as a dataframe with a “time” and “value” column.
intervention_objectE=list(intervention_name="intervE", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=0.8, ""=NA, ""=NA )
intervention_objectEdecay=list(intervention_name="intervEdecay", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=my_omega, ""=NA, ""=NA )
my_intervention_list_vc=list(intervention_object0, intervention_objectE, intervention_objectEdecay)
simulation_model_vc= simulate_vivax_interventions(df=mydata_withR0RC, my_intervention_list_vc, maxtime = 7*365, year=F, delay=T)
#> Starting from equilibrium
#> simulating from equilibrium
geom_line(aes(x=time/365,y=incidence, color=intervention), lwd=1)+
facet_wrap(id ~., scales = "free_y")+xlab("Year since baseline")
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values (`geom_line()`).
It is possible to modify the importation parameter \(\delta\) over time. For example, we want to
leave it constant for 1 year, and then make it decrease linearly to zero
over the next 2 years (starting from the initial equilibrium
We write the desired pattern in a dataframe:
my_trend=data.frame(time=c(0, # baseline
365, # after 1 year
3*365+1 # after 3 years (+1 to ensure the whole 3 year period is entirely covered)
relative_change=c(1, # initial value is constant (*1)
1, # still constant after 1 year (*1)
0 # equalsto zero after 3 years (*0)
Secondly, we create a database containing all unique regions, their respective value for \(\delta\) and the desired time points:
full$id=mydata_withR0RC$id # extract all unique regions from previous database
full$time=c(0,365,3*365+1) # desired time points
my_delta0=dplyr::left_join(expand.grid( full ), mydata_withR0RC[,c("id","delta")])
#> Joining with `by = join_by(id)`
#> id time delta
#> 1 regionA 0 0.0000000000
#> 2 regionB 0 0.0002706941
#> 3 regionA 365 0.0000000000
#> 4 regionB 365 0.0002706941
#> 5 regionA 1096 0.0000000000
#> 6 regionB 1096 0.0002706941
We now merge this table with the pre-defined trend and build the input database for the package:
my_delta=my_delta0 %>% # create a data.frame with the
dplyr::left_join(my_trend) %>%
dplyr::mutate(value=relative_change*delta) %>%
#> Joining with `by = join_by(time)`
#> id time value
#> 1 regionA 0 0.0000000000
#> 2 regionB 0 0.0002706941
#> 3 regionA 365 0.0000000000
#> 4 regionB 365 0.0002706941
#> 5 regionA 1096 0.0000000000
#> 6 regionB 1096 0.0000000000
This data.frame can then be used in the creation of the intervention object. Other patterns can be used, as long a the dataset is provided as a ata.frame with an “id”, “time” and “value” column.
intervention_objectF=list(intervention_name="baseline", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA )
intervention_objectF_delta=list(intervention_name="A", ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA, ""=NA , ""=my_delta)
simulation_model_delta=simulate_vivax_interventions(df=mydata_withR0RC, intervention_list = my_intervention_list_delta, year=F, maxtime = 365*3, delay = T)
#> Starting from equilibrium
#> simulating from equilibrium
geom_line(aes(x=time/365,y=incidence, color=intervention), lwd=1)+
facet_wrap(id ~., scales = "free_y")+xlab("Year since baseline")+ylim(0,NA)
In region A, the importation rate was already equal to zero, therefore, the trajectory remains unchanged.
Creating a dummy dataset with reported numbers or total cases and local cases, i.e. as opposed to imported cases, and the population size of the area (the user should include their real data). Each line corresponds to an administrative area or a year of data. We also added the reporting and case management parameters for each setting.
mydata_2=data.frame(id=c("regionA","regionB"),cases=c(114,312),cases_local=c(110,290), population=c(10000,5000))
mydata_2$alpha=c(0.18, 0.13) # proportion of treated cases
mydata_2$beta=c(0.43,0.42) # proportion of radical cure
mydata_2$rho=c(0.17, 0.12) # reporting rate (here, we assume that all treated cases are reported)
mydata_2$omega=c(1,1) # no vector control
Draw 100 samples of the incidence and proportion of imported cases, given the observed total and local number of cases. The uncertainty modelled here is due to population size: for additional information concerning the model, please refer to the associated publication.
mydata_2u=sample_uncertainty_incidence_import(mydata_2, ndraw = 100)
Run the model and save the results in a new database.
#mydata_withR0RC_u=calculate_r0_rc_fromdata(df=mydata_2u, f=1/72, gamma=1/223, r=1/60, return.all = TRUE)
This database includes 100 replicates of the \(R_0\) and \(R_c\) calculation, including the sampling uncertainty in the incidence and proportion of imported cases.
The default version of the model is based on ordinary differential equations, and is therefore deterministic. It neglects the randomness in very small populations. For very low transmission settings (< 20 reported cases annually), a stochastic implementation of the model simulations relying on the TiPS package (Gonche Danesh et al. (2021), Gonché Danesh et al. (2023)) is available with the option sto=TRUE. This package may require the additional installation of the Rtools package in order to function properly. For each area, the population size N needs to be indicated in the input database:
The number of model draws can be chosen with the parameter runs and the simulation algorithm with the option sto_method, for which the default is the Gillespie algorithm (“exact”).
simulation_model_sto= simulate_vivax_interventions(df=mydata_withR0RC, my_intervention_list, delay = T, sto=T, year=F, runs=2)
#> Starting from equilibrium
#> simulating from equilibrium
#> Building the simulator ...
#> Compiling the simulator ...
#> Process complete.
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
#> Success!
The model outputs can be represented graphically, for each simulation run.
ggplot(simulation_model_sto %>% dplyr::left_join(mydata_withR0RC[c("id","N")]))+
geom_line(aes(x=time/365,y=I/N, color=intervention, group=interaction(intervention,run)), lwd=0.5)+
geom_line(data=simulation_model, aes(x=time/365,y=I, color=intervention, group=interaction(intervention)), lwd=1)+
facet_wrap(id ~., scales = "free_y")+xlab("Year since baseline")+ylab("Prevalence")
#> Joining with `by = join_by(id)`
The model is a simplified representation of reality, and has therefore some limitations.
Firstly, the model does not include any form of immunity. This simplifcation is acceptable for settings with low to moderate transmission intensity. For high transmission settings (roughly observed annual incidence > 200), other models should be used instead.
Secondly, in some instances, the models cannot provide \(R_0\) and \(R_c\) estimates (NA values, and lambda=-2). This means that the combination of incidence, importation and parameter values does not correspond to any mathematical solution. In this case, please revise the assumptions used.