Simulates a draw of the chosen vivax stochastic model
STOmodel = model_sto_vivax_delay(),
STOmodel_mda = model_sto_vivax_delay_mda(),
maxtime = 1465,
year = FALSE,
sto_method = "exact",
runs = 1,
seeds = NULL
model parameters
stochastic model to be simulated (reactions)
stochastic model with MDA to be simulated (during prophylaxis)
maximal time step
if TRUE, aggregates outputs per year. if FALSE, returns daily output
a scalarindicating which simulation method is used. Default ("exact") is Gillespie's direct method. Other options are "approximate" (tau-leap) or "mixed". cf. the documentation of the TiPS package for more information.
number of draws of the stochastic model
a vector of the length of runs containing the seeds for each simulation (don't use "0" which has another use in TiPS)
A dataframe containing the simulated model