Simulates a draw of the chosen vivax stochastic model
STOmodel = model_sto_vivax_delay(),
maxtime = 1465,
year = FALSE,
sto_method = "exact",
runs = 1,
seeds = NULL
model parameters
stochastic model to be simulated (reactions)
maximal time step
if TRUE, aggregates outputs per year. if FALSE, returns daily output
a scalarindicating which simulation method is used. Default ("exact") is Gillespie's direct method. Other options are "approximate" (tau-leap) or "mixed". cf. the documentation of the TiPS package for more information.
number of draws of the stochastic model
a vector of the length of runs containing the seeds for each simulation (don't use "0" which has another use in TiPS)
A dataframe containing the simulated model